
Meta faces €395m fines imposed by Data Protection Commission

Meta faces €395m fines imposed by Data Protection Commission
Image by Simon from Pixabay

The Data Protection Commissioner (DPC)'s decision to fine two Irish-based subsidiaries Meta's more than €395 million has been challenged in the High Court by the two subsidiaries.

After being fined following the conclusion of two DPC investigations into the operation of Meta's distribution of its Facebook and Instagram services, Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd brought the first of the challenges.

These fines, totalling €390 million, were levied against Facebook for violating GDPR. This EU law controls how information and personal data about an individual may be used, processed, and kept, as well as how Instagram services may be run.

Meta was allowed three months to bring its data processing procedures into compliance.

In a separate set of proceedings, WhatsApp Ireland Ltd., whose ultimate parent company is also Meta, has contested the DPC's January 12th decision to punish it €5.5 million for GDPR violations.

Meta Platforms Ireland, represented by Declan McGrath SC, asks the High Court for a number of directions, including one that would nullify the DPC's ruling.

In its lawsuit, Meta asks the court to declare a number of things, including that various data protection regulations in Ireland are unlawful and unconstitutional.

Additionally, it asks for statements that some parts of the GDPR are in conflict with the EU Charter and the European Convention on Human Rights.