
What are the advantages of consuming Milk over Soda?

What are the advantages of consuming Milk over Soda?
Image by Alexa from Pixabay Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Low-fat milk is one of your finest options when it comes to nutritious drinks. Although it contains no nutrients, soda is heavy in calories and sugar. Drinking it frequently can cause weight gain and diabetes. If you choose skim milk, milk has low fat and calorie content and is high in vitamins, minerals, and protein.

1. Strong Bones

The minerals calcium, phosphorus, and potassium are all abundant in milk. You may get 30% of your recommended daily intake of calcium from one cup of milk. Calcium prevents osteoporosis and helps to build healthy teeth and bones.

To increase bone weight, doctors advise consuming 3 cups of milk, or milk equivalents, each day. You may get 11% of your daily value for potassium from one cup of milk.

This nutrient permits muscular contraction and controls bodily fluids, which lowers blood pressure. 20% of the DV for phosphorous, which strengthens bones and produces energy, is found in one cup of milk.

2. Energy and resistance

Milk is a great source of vitamins that support healthy bones, energy, immune system, and vision. 10% of the daily value (DV) of vitamin A is present in a 250ml glass of milk. Your vision, skin, and immune system stay strong thanks to this vitamin.

The B vitamins B-2, B-3, and B-12 found in milk help you stay active throughout the day by turning food into energy. The production of red blood cells is aided by vitamin B-12. 25% of the DV for vitamin D is added to the majority of milk fortifications.

Calcium is absorbed via vitamin D, allowing you to develop strong bones.

Read More: Which brand milk should I buy in Ireland?

3. Excellent Source of Protein

Protein is made up of amino acids, and your diet should contain all nine of the essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own. A complete protein food source must have all nine essential amino acids.

The amount of protein in a 250ml glass of milk is 16% of the DV. You get energy from protein, which also helps to create bone, muscle, cartilage, skin, enzymes, and hormones.

Problems with Soda

While 250ml of low-fat milk only has 11g of sugar, an equivalent amount of soda has 27g. When you eat a lot of sugar at once, your insulin and blood sugar levels rise quickly and then drop abruptly.

This eventually causes insulin resistance and diabetes. Weight gain, heart disease, and stroke are a result of the calories in soda. Milk may lower blood pressure while lowering your risk for diabetes and heart disease.