
Top 50 Bucket List Items to do in your Life

Top 50 Bucket List Items to do in your Life

What is a Bucket List?

Our lives on this earth are fleeting and it is important to think about how we want to spend that time. A bucket list can be a great reminder of the things you want to achieve and experience before you leave the planet. It encourages you to make the most of each day and live life with purpose & joy.

A bucket list is a list of goals and experiences individuals wish to accomplish before they die. The phrase “kick the bucket” originated from this, which refers to death. Everyone should have a bucket list of things they would like to do before they “kick the bucket”.

A bucket list is usually made up of significant goals, amazing places to explore, and enjoyable activities we want to try out in our life. In this article, let’s explore a variety of different bucket list ideas for life. This way, you can easily find activities that fit best with your interests and desires.

Simple Bucket List Ideas

While everyone's desires are unique, here are a few commonly desired things that many people want in life. Don't feel pressured to conform if these don't apply to you - this is just the beginning.

  1. Graduate high school
  2. Complete college
  3. Find a job you love
  4. Have a fulfilling career
  5. Fall in love
  6. Get married
  7. Have kids
  8. Buy a house
  9. Become a grandparent
  10. Retire
  Also Read: 20 Unique Places in Europe to add to your Bucket List for 2023

Ultimate Bucket List Ideas

Here are some offbeat ideas that you'll cherish for your lifetime.
  1. Visit all seven continents
  2. See the Northern Lights
  3. Visit the Seven Wonders of the World
  4. Visit 100 countries
  5. Stand at the top of the Eiffel Tower
  6. See the pyramids of Egypt
  7. Go on a cruise
  8. Go to Disney World
  9. Stand in Times Square
  10. See the Grand Canyon
  11. Attend the Olympics
  12. Visit an elephant sanctuary
  13. Take a hot air balloon ride
  14. Deep Sea Diving
  15. Ride a roller coaster
  16. Go sky diving
  17. Go bungee jumping
  18. Learn to play chess
  19. Run a marathon
  20. Go kayaking
  21. Go white water rafting
  22. Go ziplining
  23. Lead a major project
  24. Pay off all your debt
  25. Become a millionaire
  26. Quit your job and do something you love for a year
  27. Do a week-long digital detox
  28. Go vegetarian for one month
  29. Go vegan for one month
  30. Learn how to code
  31. Go on a blind date
  32. Volunteer at the local animal shelter
  33. Build your dream home
  34. Buy your partner something they’ve been wanting for a long time
  35. Learn Photography
  36. Adopt a kid
  37. Click a picture every day
  38. Swim in a hot spring
  39. Swim with dolphins
  40. Hike in a rainforest
  41. Take a helicopter ride
  42. Go to the Brazilian Carnival
  43. Stay at the Ice Hotel
  44. Start a Herb Garden
  45. Create your own Cocktail
  46. Learn to Cook
  47. Walk 10,000 steps a day
  48. Go a week without makeup
  49. Reduce unnecessary spending
  50. Learn some DIY skills
  Also Read: 10 Ideas for Bucket Lists for the Year 2023  

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay