
What Is Better for You to Drink: Milk or Soda?

What Is Better for You to Drink: Milk or Soda?
Image by Imo Flow from Pixabay

One of your finest options for nutritious drinks is low-fat milk. While soda is low in nutrients, it is heavy in calories and sugar. According to the HSE, drinking it regularly can cause diabetes and weight gain. Skim milk is low in fat and calories while high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. You may wonder what is better for you to drink regularly. Milk or Soda?

Strong Bones

Milk has an amazing supply of potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. You can get 30% of your recommended daily calcium intake with a cup of milk. Calcium keeps away osteoporosis and strengthens teeth and bones. To improve bone mass, HSE recommends 3 cups of milk, or milk equivalents, per day. A cup of milk contains 11% of the daily value of potassium. This nutrient controls bodily fluids, which controls blood pressure by allowing your muscles to contract. 20% of the daily value (DV) for phosphorous, which builds energy and fortifies bones, is found in one cup of milk.

Vitality and Defence

Milk contains several vitamins that help to maintain healthy bones, energy levels, eyesight and immune systems. One 250ml glass of milk has 10% of the daily value (DV) in vitamin A. This vitamin maintains the health of your skin, immune system, and vision. Vitamin B (B-2, B-3, and B-12) in milk help you stay energised throughout the day by converting food into energy. The synthesis of red blood cells is aided by vitamin B-12. Most milk contains 25% of the recommended daily value of vitamin D. Calcium is absorbed via vitamin D, enabling the development of strong bones.

Superb Source of Protein

Protein is made up of amino acids, and nine essential amino acids—which your body is unable to produce on its own—should be a part of your diet. Complete protein sources are defined as foods that include all nine of the required amino acids. 250ml of milk provides 16% of the daily requirement for protein. In addition to providing energy, protein helps to create hormones, enzymes, skin, muscle, and cartilage.

Pitfalls of Soda

Let's try to compare which drink is better milk or soda. Consider a 250ml glass of low-fat milk and an equivalent 250ml of soda. Milk contains 11g of sugar, but has 27g of sugar. Your insulin and blood sugar levels rise sharply and then plummet when you eat a lot of sugar at once. Diabetes and insulin resistance results from this over time. Calories in soda are linked to various heart diseases, and stroke, and are a cause of weight gain. HSE claims that drinking milk can lower blood pressure and lower your chances of diabetes and heart disease.

Also Read: Is consuming Milk and Apple a good combination for health?

Drinking soda can have the following negative effects:

  1. High sugar content: Most sodas have a significant quantity of added sugar, which raises the risk of diabetes and other chronic illnesses as well as weight gain.
  2. High-calorie content: The high-calorie content of certain soda drinks can lead to weight gain and obesity.
  3. Contents of soda drinks: Some soda drinks contain caffeine, which, if taken in excess, can cause anxiety, insomnia, and dehydration.
  4. Artificial ingredients: Artificial flavours, colours, and preservatives are present in some sodas, and if ingested in excess, they may be detrimental to your health.

However, there are a lot of health advantages to consuming milk and water, like:

  1. Hydration: Water is necessary to stay hydrated and to keep your body operating as it should.
  2. Nutrients: For strong bones and teeth, milk is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, and other necessary nutrients.
  3. Low calorie: Milk and water both have a low-calorie content and can support healthy weight management.
  4. Absence of added sugar can help lower the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases. This is the case with milk and water.