
What is Gut Health? How can I improve my Gut Health?

What is Gut Health? How can I improve my Gut Health?

What is Gut Health?

The term 'gut microbiome' refers to the population of bacteria that are found in our gastrointestinal tract. This population includes more than 1000 different species, and there are trillions of them. Research has found a link between the microbiome and many aspects of your mental and physical health, including your immune system, heart health and digestive well-being. There are many different species of gut bacteria found at each stage of the digestive tract - all the way from the mouth to the large bowel.

The ways to improve Gut Health

Gut health plays an important role in overall wellness. The GI tract is home to trillions of microbes that have a big impact on our health. The microbes that help in the digestion of food, synthesis of vitamins and regulate metabolism and the immune system are known as gut microbiota or “gut flora”. Below are some ways to improve your gut health:

  1. Increase water intake
  2. Fiber-rich food is a must
  3. Avoiding processed and fast foods
  4. Management of stress level
  5. Sleep is essential
  6. Include fermented food in your diet
  7. Sugar - The less the better
  8. Regular exercise is a must

1. Increase water intake

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Water is vital to keeping your body running as smoothly as possible: it helps with digestion, constipation and many other annoying side effects of bad diets. As a perspiration process, it helps keep the skin hydrated and maintains a normal body temperature by acting as a transport medium between the environment. Drink about 2 litres of water every day to stay hydrated. You're less likely to get tired and sluggish. It's also healthier for your skin.

2. Fiber-rich food is a must

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Eating fibre-rich foods is a great way to make sure your gut is healthy and happy because it helps regulate bowel movements. Fibre absorbs water in the colon, softens stools, and helps them pass through the intestines with ease. Good sources of fibre include beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Foods high in fibre will make you feel fuller and faster. You'll be less likely to overeat, and that's good for your health.

3. Avoiding processed and fast foods

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Processed and fast foods are harmful to your digestive system and can affect your gut bacteria. It is because the processing of food removes many of the nutrients that your body needs to function properly. Processed foods tend to include artificial ingredients, refined sugars and trans fats — which can cause inflammation. Eating whole food sources such as fruit or vegetables will help you avoid these products.

4. Management of stress level

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Stress can have a major effect on your digestion because it affects the hormones and neurotransmitters that control your gastrointestinal function. This may lead to stomach problems like nausea, bloating, and diarrhoea. Stress can also increase your risk of developing conditions such as IBS or Crohn’s disease due to changes in immune responses in your GI tract. Taking time out of your day to do something you enjoy can take a load off your shoulders and reduce your chances of certain illnesses associated with stress. It doesn't have to be all about exercise or meditation though, any activity you enjoy will do.

5. Sleep is essential

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When you don't sleep, it can make it tougher for your immune system to work. When it's not at full strength, your body won't be able to defend against infection and heal itself during illness. Sleep deprivation also increases inflammation in the body, which is bad news for anyone who already has inflammation issues. To get the most out of your sleep time, avoid caffeine late in the day and turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed.

6. Include fermented food in your diet

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Yoghurt contains probiotics which can help with digestion, and immunity, and keep diverse types of bad bacteria from settling in your stomach for too long. You can get probiotics in your food or through supplements. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether or not the supplements interact with any other medication that you might be on.

7. Sugar- The less the better

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Too much sugar can lead to weight gain, and cause trouble in your body. People who consume a lot of sugar might need to spend more time on digestion. Correcting your sugar intake to promote good bacteria growth can help you feel better by reducing bloating, discomfort and gas. Additionally, too much sugar can cause health issues like acne or low energy levels due to blood sugar fluctuations.

8. Regular exercise is a must

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Let me tell you, there's nothing better than vigorous exercise! It's been shown to improve gut health and increase your mood. Exercise can also help with inflammation and immunity. This means that you'll be less likely to get sick and more likely to fight off any viruses or bacteria that enter your body. The more active you are, the healthier your gut will be.


What are the signs of a healthy Gut?

A gut that is healthy will have the following signs:

  • Regular and pain-free bowel movements
  • Normal amount of gas and bloating
  • Consistent energy
  • Healthy bowel transit time
  • Mental clarity
  • Healthy reactions to food and stress

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