
Girl(6s) saved from the sea at Dún Laoghaire Pier

Girl(6s) saved from the sea at Dún Laoghaire Pier

Six-year-old girl is now on the mend, after being saved from the ocean last night at Dublin's East Pier in Dún Laoghaire.

Dublin Fire Brigade, gardaí, and the RNLI were among the agencies involved in the multi-agency response that included the Coast Guard rescue helicopter 116.

People in the public made the warning last night just after 8 o'clock.

According to RNLI operations manager Ed Todderdell, the small girl was saved by their rescue team in a mere six minutes despite the challenging circumstances they had to navigate.

"Andy Hayes on the helm, and we had Garry Hayes and Alva Smith," Mr Todderdell said to Newstalk. Furthermore, there is a backup plan in place as well. At the station, several people were prepared with blankets and first aid equipment when the boat returned with the young girl on board.

"The team could transfer her very quickly, get her into the warm, and our team could start basic first aid while the fire brigade arrived about two minutes later."

Storm Kathleen was causing severe winds and rain to slam Ireland at the time of the occurrence.